Common Rental Terms Used in Japan

家賃 (Rent)

The monthly rent of the property. You generally have to pay the rent in advance. For example, November's rent is due on 25th of October. And December's rent is due on November 25th an thereafter.

日割り家賃 (Pro-rated Rent)

If you move in during the middle of the month, your rent will be pro-rated by the number of days you actually rent for the first month. Also, your rent will be calculated from the day your lease starts, not your actual move-in date. Pro-rated rent calculation : (Monthly Rent ÷ 30 days) x number of days

共益費 (Common Area Maintenance Fee)

These are the fees the Tenant pays in addition to rent, to cover maintenance and management of communal facilities in apartments.

日割共益費 (Pro-rated Maintenance Fee)

If you move in during the middle of the month, maintenance fee just like the rent will be pro-rated by the number of days you actually rent the first month. Also, your rent will be calculated from the day your lease starts, not your actual move-in date. Pro-rated maintenance fee calculation : (Monthly Maintenance Fee ÷ 30 days) x number of days

駐車料金 (Parking Fee)

The monthly parking fee of the parking lot. The fee is due as the same time as the monthly rent.

日割駐車料金 (Pro-rated Parking Fee)

If rent the parking lot in the middle of the month, the parking fee just like the rent will be pro-rated by the number of days you actually rent for the first month. Pro-rated parking fee calculation : (Monthly Parking Fee ÷ 30 days) x number of days

敷金 (Deposit Money)

Money to deposit to the landlord throughout the term of your lease, and will use the money to cover any unpaid rent or to pay for repairs beyond normal wear-and-tear and cleaning fees when you move out. Recently, landlords not requiring deposit money are increasing.

礼金 (Key Money)

This is a gratuity you pay to your landlord, and it will not be returned to you when you vacate your apartment. Key money is usually about one to two month’s rent. In kitakyushu, the key money is generally one month's rent. According to some students, key money tends to much higer in cities like Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe.

仲介手数料 (Service Fee or Agent Fee)

This is the fee you pay to your real estate agent for their service. By law, the maximum that your agent can charge you is one month’s rent plus consumption tax.

消費税 (ConsumptionTax)

This is tax paid to the govenment of Japan. At the time of this article, the consumption tax is 10%.

火災保険料 (Housing Insurance or Renter's Insurance)

As part of the contract, you are require to obtain housing insurance. It is a non-life insurance premiums to cover damages to the rental property from fire or water leakage. If your are a foreign student, please confirm with your educational instutuion, schools may provide cheaper insurance option.

清掃料 (Cleaning Fee)

The cleaning fee can varies from ¥1,000 ~ ¥1,200 per square feet or a starting minimum of ¥35,000. Our company as of this writting has fixed the cleaning fee to ¥24,200. Please be aware that all prices listed on our website are subject to change without prior notice. We strive to keep our pricing information up-to-date, but market conditions and other factors may necessitate adjustments. For the most current pricing information, please contact us directly.

保証協会保証料 (Guarantor Company Fee)

In Japan, a co-signor or guarantor is called a ‘hoshonin’. As this person is agreeing to fulfil your financial debts, they must prove they have the financial means to pay. Most Japanese people ask a parent or close family member to be their guarantor. For foreigner, they are require to use a guarantor company to act as the guarantor. These guarantor company charges a fee from ¥15,000 ~ 80% of rent depending on your visa status. The tenant must reimburse the guarantor company in the event that the company have to pay the overdue rent (a service fee is charged). Please be aware that all prices listed on our website are subject to change without prior notice. We strive to keep our pricing information up-to-date, but market conditions and other factors may necessitate adjustments. For the most current pricing information, please contact us directly.

鍵交換 (Door Lock Exchange Fee)

You have to option request the real estate company is have the lock to your room changed. The fee varies depending on the locksmith.

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